Hire Smarter with Employee background record search!
Author: Risq GroupComprehensive background checks can help you manage risks associated with hiring and enable you to take the finest employment decisions.
Businesses often are faced with limited resource challenge requiring them to conduct quick hiring. As an employer you however, need to keep in mind that while every new hire can add revenue to your business he/she at the same time poses security risk to your organisation.
Research suggests that more than 40% of candidates lie or exaggerate facts about their experience and skills in their resumes.
In this light, relying on the resumes of candidates blindly is not a smart way of conducting recruitment. Hiring the wrong candidate not only results in business losses and security threats but you also need to bear the hassle and headache of re-hiring and re-training.
A great background investigation company will help you find out if the candidate actually possesses the qualifications; skills & experience for the desired job role thus help avoid a hiring disaster.
However, before you hire the services of a background check company, it is important to understand that employees have their own privacy rights and you need to ensure that your pre-employment background checks abide to the laws of your land in relation to employee screening.
Here are some of the key benefits of background check:
Identity check:
A background check may reveal that the candidate has used a false identity while applying for the job.
Verifying the educational & experience details:
Your background record search will confirm if the candidate has actually attended schools and attained the degrees listed in his resume.
Criminal background check for employment:
Ensuring that your prospective hire does not have a marred criminal history is important. Your background investigation company can help reveal criminal convictions, civil lawsuits, sex offender records and more.
Apart from these direct benefits, background checks positively impact the new applicant quality as they deter fake employees from applying.
Your background record check company by conducting drug testing, state level as well as national criminal, credit and sex offender checks help you easily identify and thoroughly investigate any red flags that appear in a prospect's history. This helps making the overall work atmosphere more secure with effectively filtering out candidates with any criminal background.
Thorough background investigations can help businesses minimise cases of on the job frauds, thefts, workplace violence, negligence and abuse.
This not only saves the penalties and fines associated with such incidents but also helps safeguard the brand reputation of your business.
Remember one bad hire can tarnish the long built image of your company.
Risq Group provides reliable and professional background investigation and criminal history check services. For more details, please log on to www.risqgroup.com
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/human-resources-articles/hire-smarter-with-employee-background-record-search-7227667.html
About the Author
For more details, please log on to www.risqgroup.com
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